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Ready, Set, Kayak: Top 10 Gear Essentials for Beginner Paddlers

Ready, Set, Kayak: Top 10 Gear Essentials for Beginner Paddlers This blog provides a guide for beginner kayakers, with the top 10 gear essentials they need for a comfortable, enjoyable, and safe experience on the water. The essentials include appropriate clothing, protection for your phone and other valuables, headwear, footwear, safety gear, and more. There are also valuable tips on how to choose the right gear and why each item is necessary for kayaking. The post also stresses the importance of checking the weather forecast, preparing for colder temperatures, and always carrying emergency equipment.

Surfski For Beginners

Surfski For Beginners Surfski Season is here!  Tuesday Night Race start April 4 and Jericho Wavechaser starts May 4.  But surfski paddling isn’t all about racing.  There are many applications in which paddling surfski is amazing.  We currently have good stock of mid-level and beginner surfskis and more will be arriving in early May.

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