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Why Choose a Surfski? Discover the Top 5 Reasons to Make the Switch

Why Choose a Surfski? Discover the Top 5 Reasons to Make the Switch Discover the top five reasons why you should consider switching to a surfski instead of traditional kayaks. The first reason is the lightweight design, which makes surfskis faster, more maneuverable, and easy to transport. Secondly, surfskis are accommodating for paddlers of all levels, making it easier for beginners to start catching waves. Thirdly, surfskis are designed to be fast and efficient in the water, allowing paddlers to travel further with less effort. Additionally, paddling a surfski provides a full-body workout, improving posture, balance, and strengthening core muscles. Lastly, surfskis are designed for providing an enjoyable and adventurous experience.

Surfski For Beginners

Surfski For Beginners Surfski Season is here!  Tuesday Night Race start April 4 and Jericho Wavechaser starts May 4.  But surfski paddling isn’t all about racing.  There are many applications in which paddling surfski is amazing.  We currently have good stock of mid-level and beginner surfskis and more will be arriving in early May.

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